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Make The Holidays Brighter This Season

Make Hunger History with Holiday Giving

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Happy New Year & Thank You For Your Support in 2019

Thank you for partnering with the Glen Ellyn Food Pantry! We are truly blessed and appreciative of your support of our mission.

Our Food Pantry plays a very important role in the community, assisting low income residents and those in crisis with healthy and nutritious food. We are on track to distribute just under one million pounds of food, the equivalent of 980,000 meals, to our hungry neighbors. Over 350 volunteers devote their time to make what we do possible. In our 40+ years in service, we could not have imagined that our Pantry could one day support this type of need. For this, we are grateful!

We are committed to making sure every donation is utilized completely to benefit our clients ... we work to expand our food sources to ensure every cent counts. It is unfortunate that our shelves are still emptied each and every week. The demand for food continues, and the reality is that there are still families in our community that go hungry for any number of reasons. We don't know everyone's story, and we don't know what has led them to our Pantry. What we do know is how we can impact each and every one of these lives in a positive way. For this, we are thankful!

As you consider your end of year giving, please know how your generous tax-deductible gift can make a direct and positive difference in the lives of local families who are experiencing financial hardship.